
A Typical Working Day

12:00 Daily Stand Up

A meeting to make sure that everyone is on the same page. Besides confirming the day’s schedule and also the school’s policies, one staff member makes a short presentation to share their values.

12:30 Start Preparing for the Lessons

The preparation time determines the lesson quality.

13:30 Making Teaching Materials / Training Session

We make our own teaching materials in collaboration with the teaching staff in Japan.We often hold various training sessions and workshops to better understand SAIEI methods.

14:00 Online Meeting with the Staff in Japan

We believe “coaching” is just as important as teaching. We discuss each student’s progress in order to better motivate them.

14:30 Lunch Break

15:30 Final Check Before the Lessons

We check the Skype connection with the school in Japan, as well as all the teaching materials you will use.

16:00 Lesson Teaching / Office Work

We usually teach 5 to 8 lessons of 25 minutes, usually using a power point slide effectively. Our students are mostly elementary school students (6 to 11 years old) or (junior) high school students (12 to 17 years old).*The teachers’ “off class” are engaged in other office work such as making teaching materials.

20:30 Self Analysis of the Day’s Lesson

We discuss the issues that arose while teaching during the day, such as sharing useful techniques and situational problem solving. We consider this session extremely important so that we “grow” as a teacher. To grow, we should become a better teacher tomorrow than what we are today.

21:00 Clock Out —

Thank you for the day! High five your bosses and co-workers.
